Why is Invisalign the Best Alternative to Braces?

Many treatments are available to correct crooked teeth and get a million-dollar smile. In 1997, two students at Stanford created the first clear aligners called Invisalign. They single-handedly revolutionized the straightening of teeth. So, why is Invisalign the best alternative to braces? Read on to learn more about it and its benefits.
What is the Difference Between Braces and Invisalign?
Braces usually comprise two major parts: brackets and wires. The brackets are the small square-like pieces that you see placed on the teeth. They are glued onto the teeth with a special adhesive. The wires run through and connect all the braces. In the treatment process, the dentist tightens the wires to move specific teeth and hold them in place.
Invisalign, in contrast to braces, uses clear tray aligners to shift your teeth. The aligners are made with an FDA-approved material, ensuring their safety. They are much more comfortable than braces and smoother. They also do not change your speech, making them quite ideal.
The best thing about Invisalign trays is that they are clear and almost invisible. People will barely notice them when you smile or talk.
Benefits of Invisalign
As mentioned above, braces utilize brackets and wires to align your teeth. However, the sight of wires and brackets in your mouth can discourage you from using them. There are options for teeth-colored or even clear braces nowadays. They are not as visible, but they are still not as invisible as you would like them to be.
Invisalign, on the other hand, is a continuous clear material over your teeth. The uniformity and clearness of the aligners make them much more difficult to notice. It is this feature that makes them very attractive to adults.
Those with braces complain of more discomfort than those with Invisalign. Those with braces complain of pain in the first week and after every tightening session. With braces, you may also experience cutting on the inside of the mouth.
Invisalign, on the other hand, is smooth and gentle. The aligners may feel foreign the first few weeks, but you adjust quickly. During those first weeks, other than feeling a bit sore and salivating more, the experience is not as bad as with braces.
Although orthodontists recommend braces for more severe corrections, they are also used for minor conditions. Usually, braces can take about one to two years to correct a minor condition. But this time will depend on several factors, and you need to ask your orthodontist about it.
Invisalign, however, is quite efficient with minor conditions. It was designed for them. It is quick as it can take 12 months to a year-and-a-half to correct a condition.
For more on why Invisalign is the best alternative to braces, visit Courthouse Art of Dentistry at our office in Arlington, Virginia. Call 703-997-1284 to book an appointment today.